the Bad Book

Hi 🙂

Did you have a nice winter holiday?

I did but I’m tired with my part time job!!

I want to quit!!


By the way, do you like picture book?

I like it but I didn’t read it from my childhood but recently, I found an interesting picture book!!

It’s called “the Bad Book (悪い本)”.

I didn’t read it but I listened at YouTube!

It’s author is Miyuki Miyabe, she is the one of famous story writer in Japan.


“the Bad Book” is the book which teach us a bad thing.

He or she tells girl a bad thing and try to change this girl the most bad people in the world.

I thought this book is really uncomfortable and terrible.

How a terrible book book she write!!

I don’t want my child to read this book!!

If you have an interest, please read!!


↓ this is a link!!


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